Take Control


Restart Services

If the N_Central agent is installed but "Take Control" is unavailable, but you still have access to Shell on the computer, follow this procedure.

  1. Get a list of all services
  2. Filter that list to retrieve just the SERVICE_NAME
  3. Filter the list of SERVICE_NAME down to services containing "N_Central"
1sc query type= service | findstr "SERVICE_NAME" | findstr "N_Central"

If successful, you should get an output like this:

1SERVICE_NAME: BASupportExpressSrvcUpdater_N_Central                             
2SERVICE_NAME: BASupportExpressStandaloneService_N_Central

Then restart the services:

1powershell.exe "Restart-Service -Name BASupportExpressSrvcUpdater_N_Central; Restart-Service -Name BASupportExpressStandaloneService_N_Central"